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Free Texture and Brush Sample and Tutorial!

Hi everyone!

Another post, another freebie and tutorial. I have recently released a bundle with all my texture and brush packs (plus 2 extra brush sets). If you haven't already, please go check it out! And if you would like to sample it, well, how handy! Here's a free sample! Go get it, and let's get started with a quick and easy tutorial on how to make a collage for an instagram story post.

Here's what we will be using:

And here's what we will be making:

1. Start with a 1080x1920 px canvas. Open the “02.png” file and drag the texture to the empty canvas. This will be our base.

2. Then add a squiggle brush stamp in a color taken from the photo you want to use. To do this, start by opening squiggle “23.png”. Then go to File > Define Brush Preset. Choose a color and select the Brush tool and then select the brush we have just defined. Then create a new layer and stamp the brush.

3. Select your photos and arrange them in your canvas. These photos by Andrew Neel, Max Ostrozhinskiy, and Andrew Draper were found at Unsplash. Since I want to edit them together, and separately from the rest of the elements, I select the three photos and right click >> Convert to Smart Object. To edit it, just double-click on the Smart Object layer. It will open in a new window.

4. Add some tape. Open the “wt7.png” and “wt8.png” and define them as brushes. Select a color (here I picked white), adjust the size of the brush (these are sized down to around 500 px) and stamp away in a new layer. This will allow you to play around with the position and orientation of the tape to suit your design.

5. I want the photos to be black and white, so I go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Black & White. If you wish, you can also adjust the brightness and contrast by going to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness/ Contrast. Then File >> Save to update the main file.

6. This is what it looks like at this point.

7. Add some more squiggles. Choose a color (here I chose a mustard yellow) and select the Brush tool. Then create a new layer and stamp away.

8. (optional) Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness/ Contrast and play around with the settings to see what suits your photo better. I also added a Vibrance layer to bring out the yellow (Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Vibrance).

9. Add some text. Select a font and type away. Here I used Fletcher Typewriter in white.

10. Finish with a little texture. Open the file “sp2.png” and set it as a pattern (go to Edit >> Define Pattern >> OK). Create a new layer and fill it with the newly created pattern (go to Edit >> Fill >> Contents: Pattern >> Custom Pattern and select the pattern you have just defined). Set it to Multiply.

And this is your final product!

Hope you enjoyed following along with this tutorial. And if you did, how about checking out this tutorial on how to use the sample to make a cute instagram post? I would love to see your designs, please share them with me. My instagram handle is @anasfonts.

Hope you have a great rest of week! 😊


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